How to Participate in SAP Business One’s Customer Experience and Improvements

SAP Business One® delivers Major Releases several times a year.  Something that you should be aware is that you have the opportunity to influence SAP by requesting improvements and voting for features that your organization may be interested in having to improve customer experience.

SAP listens to customers and partners that is why SAP has a web site where you could login with your S-number and participate in the Customer Experience and Improvements Requests.

Steps for Customer Experience and Improvements with SAP Business One

Please log into:

In that website you will be able to vote for your preferred functionalities and features, and even post your own.  The next SAP revision is coming soon, hurry up and have your voice heard.  This is the best way to communicate SAP directly of specific features your company has.

You are invited to vote on, comment on, and submit improvement requests for SAP Business One.

Improvement requests need 25 votes of different customers/partners to qualify for an obligatory review. Reviews will happen on a regular basis twice a year, with the results being communicated in detail.

Want to know more?  Download the SAP Business One® Roadmap:

how to participate in sap business one customer experience and improvements

Complete the form to download:

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